Haysville Chamber of Commerce

Business Directory

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in and around Haysville

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in Haysville

Community Events

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What does Haysville have to offer?

Haysville is a growing community in southeast Sedgwick County.

With direct access to the Kansas Turnpike at 7lst St. South and to Broadway (US-81), Haysville is a prime area for various industries, manufacturing and service facilities. We are uniquely suited for both business growth and growing families.

Haysville provides residents with a small-town feel while still offering all of the opportunities and amenities available in larger communities. With 16 public parks, an activity center, public pool, a public transit system, multiple premier educational facilities, a local farmers market and nationally registered historical buildings, Haysville has something for you!

Benefits of Joining the Chamber


From monthly luncheons to various events, the Chamber offers access to a diverse array of local business owners


The Chamber initiates more business to business commerce than is available through any other local organization

Community Involvement

A Chamber membership is the first step to increasing your involvement in the vibrant community of Haysville